November 15, 2004

Children are the best teachers

Sooo cute! I’m talking about Japanese kids. Whenever I see a little one I get all excited and want to hug him or her, but at the last minute I control myself and usually I just take pictures of them, to the mothers’ happiness (who doesn’t want a cute baby that people want to take pictures of?).

I had the pleasure of hanging out with a co-workers 1,5 year old daughter last week. What a sweetie! She kept on saying “kore hana” (=this flower) and pointed at her pink dress. Children are the best teachers when it comes to learning a new language. So if I was smart enough I should spend an hour every day at a Japanese kindergarten… Oh well, enough of fantasies, I have to get back to work. Enjoy this sweetie I met in Asakusa last weekend.


Posted by maria at November 15, 2004 12:01 PM